Gludio Priest
1700-Cat of Dark Omens Dion Priest
1500-Worshipers Necropolis
520-Piligrims Necropolis
590-Catacomb of the Branded
630-Plains of Dion
Giran Priest
570-Martyrs Necropolis
520-Death Pass
880-Dragon Valley
280-Brekas Stronghold
540-Gorgons Flower Garden
230-Path to Giran Castle Town
Heine Priest
740-Worshipers Necropolis
1800-Piligrims Necropolis
1600-Heretics Catacomb
1300-Catacomb of the Branded
550-Saints Necropolis
900-West of Field of Silence
240-South of Field of Whispers
440-South of Alligator Island
480-Wav to Garden of Eva
Oren Priest
400-Catacomb of the Apostate
580-Sea of Spores
340-Timak Outpost
500-Plains of the Lizardmen
610-Forest of Evil Spirit
1000-Forest of Outlaw
980-Ancient Battleground
Hanters Village Priest
330-Catacomb of the Witch
160-Catacomb of the Forbidden Path
700-Northern Pathway of the Enchanted Valley
520-The Forest of Mirrors
Aden Priest
800-Disciples Necropolis
840-Catacomb of the Witch
1000-Catacomb of the Forbidden Path
690-Ancient Battleground
580-Tower of Insolence
610-Tower of Insolence 3rd Floor
490-Tower of Insolence 5th Floor
570-Tower of Insolence 7th Floor
490-Tower of Insolence 10th Floor
530-Tower of Insolence 13th Floor
490-Blazing Swamp
330-The Cemetery
650-The Forbidden Gateway
620-The Giants Cave
Rune Priest
38000-Martyr’s Necropolis
31000-Catacomb of the Witch
29000-Patriots Necropolis
32000-Ascetics Necropolis
130-Entrance to the Forest of the Dead
390-South of Beast Farm
650-North of Beast Farm
610-Beast Farm
810-Eastern Entrance to the Swamp of Screams
380-Western Entrance to the Swamp of Screams
640-Swamp of Screams
470-Entrance of Valley of Saints
230-Cursed Village
Goddard Priest
8500-Disciples Necropolis
29000-Catacomb of the Forbidden Path
37000-Catacomb of Dark Omens
54000-Sains Necropolis
1000-Forget of the Gods(2300)
670-Imperial Tomb
270-Wall of Argos
920-Hot Springs